First it was the Great Language Learning Challenge in February.
Now it's the A-Z Blogging Challenge in April.
It's not my fault. I didn't plan to do it. It's just that I got a text late last night from fellow blogger Jenny at The Modest Peacock. She was all "Hey, I'm doing this. I bet you're not, because you don't have the stones."* And I was all...
Because I'm an April Fool.

*None of what I said she said right there was true.
P.S. - It's also International "Say it Like a Samurai Day"
Thanks for the * that told the truth about what I did and did not say. :P Lol. And you don't have to wait til May for the other part of the seizure story. You can put it under L for Laughing Too Much, S for Seizures, F for Funny Story Continued... Don't let the alphabet challenge derail you. :)
I think you're gonna love it. That's how I got nearly 100 people on board with me last year: I double-dog dared them and in like 4 days there were a bunch of takers. Ah, you're an easy mark for a challenge! That's good because challenges are fun. Have a great time!
Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge
Wow, it's International Samurai Day! I'll have to wrestle someone before dinner. (wink)
Although, as I think about it, what if I HAD said it to you like that?? Hmm? You've known me for nearly two decades now- would it have completely shocked you if I had sent your version of the dare in my text message?? ;)
Arlee - I'm enjoying it so far. I have the topics for the next month lined up, and several of them written. This is going to be... rewarding.
Sharon - Did you manage to get that wrestling in?
Jenny - Honestly, I'm not sure that it would have registered right away, due to how many people would have said that to me in earnest. I think it would slowly dawn on me.
Surely though, it would make my day.
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